Health and Well Being. Changes.

Twenty twenty three has been a time of change for me. I kicked it off with Dry January.

Then I started looking at my diet and cut down on my sugar intake- eating healthier. I never ate badly but there was room for improvement.

Green smoothies for breakfast. Cheap to make: handful each of frozen spinach, broccoli; half a banana, squirt of lemon juice and water. Blitz.

I started making my own breakfast/ energy bars: Peanut Butter Chocolate bars, Fruit Pemmican, Grab and Go Breakfast Bars. All made with no sugar. The sweetness comes from the dried fruit and the honey.

Then I started looking at my fitness. Again I have always kept fit; I’m a keen trail walker; I have done HIT training for a few years now. Online trainers Daniel and Alex Bartlett’s Team Body Project make High Intensity Training a delight- they have loads of free YouTube videos. Fitness doesn’t have to involve money. You can join up if you want a more structured programme.

Then I started looking at my mental health and well being. I needed to take time out, stop trying to do everything, taking on everything. I took up Yoga; again online. I didn’t want to do regular classes. I would rather spend money on travel. Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube is accessible and a delight with her dog Benji:

Other health check ins I took on board was to eat more mindfully. Notice and enjoy what’s I was eating. I cut my caffeine intake and sleep so much better now. Less anxiety.

We are now approaching the middle of March and although I do have the odd drink at weekends, it is nowhere near what I was drinking.Again I drink mindfully; enjoy it and limit to one or two.

My whole mental and physical well being has improved a hundred fold and my new regimes have brought total joy to my life.